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Babe and company.
Babe One of those rare times when we had company. Notice the M-60 man. Most likely their ACAV was down and the Captain wanted to keep them in the field for troop strength. Notice that roll of concertina wire, about the only operation we carried it.
The Vietnam work horses
Bob Hope Cadillacs. These Hueys escorted Bob Hope's show in 1967 throughout Vietnam. They were the work horses and were often called on to bring the Black Panthers supplies in the field, like large black rubber gas bags. The Jolly Green Giants, thank you!!
Looking out the side door.
Red One. I am hitching a ride back to our motorpool to pick up parts needed for field repairs. M-60 out of view. Thank you Red One!
Bud Time
Budweiser Time! It was hot, but you develop a taste for it.
Sneeze, shower and shave.
The 3 S's. Shaving wasn't an everyday event, as many mornings were spent folding up laagers and moving on. Notice my radio. Sometimes you could pick up music from Hanoi Hanna. She knew more about our troops in the field than many officers did.
Pulling ACAV Motor.
Field Repairs. Here we have an ACAV Chrysler motor hanging in the field while working on the trans-axel that was damaged by a mine.
Making Parking Lots
Clearing cut in jungle It looks like the Engineers were busy. You have to really respect these guys who sometimes worked alone with their cats as they cut down the jungle. From all signs, I don't think they knew there was a war going on around them.
Bad Ass Bandits
Bad Ass Hits Mine. This is the same event as an earlier page, just a different camera view.
Banchie Disabled.
Banchie. This kind of gives you an idea of height of my VTR Banchie. This is in the Bear Cat mototpool. On one operation up North we had so many ACAVs hit mines that each Black Panther company VTR was carrying disabled units. I managed to blow the Cummings Diesel while pulling two Acavs up through the mountains. We were assisted by a 1/11th Armored VTR. Thanks Guys!!
The End of the Story. This is Thanksgiving dinner in the field. Thanks 9th Aviation for making our day! Welcome home Brothers!! Welcome Home.
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"Last Dance With Mary Jane"